market like a girl

Don't be buried under business standards meant to make you lose

Every day, we hear stories of women who worked their butts off to climb a business ladder that wasn’t meant for them, feeling burnt out, unappreciated, and tired of being interrupted. Are we surprised? No way. But we, too, have had enough of women being buried under a corporate model, a masculine model, not meant for them.   

Marketing for and from women is more than turning the text pink.   

At Graveyard Innovation, we believe in innovative storytelling and assisting clients in finding business practices that work—for them and for their clients.

At Graveyard Innovation, we want to know: if women are equal in business, why are the following still true:
  • Women own 36% of businesses, but only contribute 4% of total annual business revenue
  • Women make, on average, $17,000 less annually than men
  • Constant interruptions, being left out of conversations, and double standards are common for women in the workplace

Don't let your ideas go to the graveyard; Lean into your story

The glass ceiling is yours to break. We're here to give you the tools and the confidence to market like a girl. To market like you.